Despite some publishers aboning native apps in favor of b apps, Nielsen found that people are actually spending more time in apps than on the mobile b. st year, 73 percent of the time was spent on apps, compared with 83 percent this year. Nielsen did note earlier this year, that when it comes to shopping, people prefer websites instead of apps. There was a slight increase in the amount of time spent on apps each day, from 37 minutes per day in 2001 to 39 minutes today. The top five apps continue to be Facebook, YouTube, ay (previously Android et), Search, Gmail. However, people are also experimenting with new apps. A year ago, users spent 74 percent of their app time accessing the top 50 apps, compared with 58 percent this year.

Increasing Smartphone Use, ivacy Concerns Remain

th smartphone penetration at more than 50 percent, up from 38 percent last year, Nielsen estimates the number of Android iOS users has grown from 38 million in 2011 to 84 million today. The owners’ gender split is approximately equal. According to earlier Nielsen estimates, Android has 48.5 percent of the market, iOS has 32 percent, BlackBerry ndows Mobile are fighting for the bottom of the league. It also appears ione users are more proficient at downloading apps; 88 percent of them have done so, while only 74 percent of Android users download apps on their phones. th app use on the rise, concerns over privacy have also gone up. Nielsen says the vast majority (73 percent, a 3 percent year-on-year increase) is expressing concerns over personal data collection, while 55 percent are wary of sharing information about their location via smartphone apps. Follow iel escu Today @ on Twitter