Most companies outsource their marketing. It’s just a fact of life. According to Android and Me, bäkkenDesign was tasked with coming up a few concepts for Motorola’s upcoming Moto X Phone unveiling. Now designers being designers, they always want to make their portfolio available for perspective clients. Well, that Motorola marketing material is now available, and if it’s to be believed then we can expect Motorola to hold an event on August 1st.

Can this date be totally made up? Absolutely, hence the question mark in the headline. Do I seriously believe this August 1st date? Not really, but then again I don’t usually care about product unveilings unless they also feature a launch date and a price tag. All that’s known about the Motorola X Phone so far comes to us via various leaks of dubious quality and a press release that doesn’t really say anything other than the fact that this device will (mostly) be made in the USA. It’s not going to be a high end phone according to @evleaks, and I believe him.