Dextermaintained its reputation as one of the biggest hits on primetime television for eight seasons. First premiering on Showtime in 2006, and concluding with a highly controversial series finale in 2013, this unique crime series has certainly left behind an unforgettable legacy.

For its near-decade-long run on TV, Dexter essentially followed one main plot, which revolved around the titular character’s morally ambiguous crimes. Dexter was an instant success and would go on to coin a significant amount of prestigious awards and nominations.

Much of the series’ praise revolved around Dexter’s tight-knit cast of well-developed characters. Not only is Dexter Morgan still cited as being one of the most complex, fascinating characters on TV, but the supporting characters in the show were nothing short of iconic themselves.

Let’s take a look at Dexter’s rich cast of characters and their Myers-Briggs personality alignments.


Sergeant Doakes was only in the series for two seasons, but it seems much longer because the character has practically been immortalized on the Internet, thanks to his unforgettable catchphrase. On top of being iconically meme-able, James Doakes had a deeply interesting personality.

He was best known for being very strong-willed and ceaselessly suspicious of Dexter, way before anyone suspected anything about the quirky blood splatter analyst. Sergeant Doakes had keen senses and a sharp intuition, making him an ideal INTP. This personality type is commonly regarded as being fascinated by logical analysis.


In the early seasons of Dexter, Maria was portrayed in a poor light and was best known for the fact that she had a major crush on Dexter. However, as the series progressed, the masterminds behind Dexter put much more development into Maria, and by the time of her death in season 7, she had become Captain of the precinct.

Fleshing Marie’s personality out meant that she garnered quite a fanbase. By her final season, she began to have some significant suspicions about Dexter, which ultimately led to her heartbreaking demise. Marie best fits the alignment of an ENTP, being intellectual, clever, and investigative.


Dexter had a handful of love interests throughout the series, the most significant being Rita Bennett. After the latter’s death in season 4, Dexter was a single father and met the elusive Hannah McKay in season 7. Only appearing in the last two seasons of the show, character development for Hannah was scarce, and her relationship with Dexter tended to feel rather contrived.

Hannah was undoubtedly a thrill-seeker, and although she was forced to become a parent to Harry by the end of the series, she was rather immature before then. She’s a true ESTP, having the signature dynamic energy.


Angel was a fan-favourite character from the beginning of the series and was absolutely beloved by the end. He was known for being the most soft-spoken, kind character on the show and was always willing to go the extra mile for his friends. Angel had a “fatherly” vibe about him, and that combined with his gentle demeanor made fans fall head-over-heels for him.

Angel was definitely a gentle caretaker and has the low-key enthusiasm to fit the ISFP alignment.


Masuka worked as the precinct’s forensics specialist and was Dexter’s primary source of comic relief for eight seasons. Because the series mostly played off the character’s quirks and oddities rather than developing him, we never got to know Masuka that well.

His appearances grew less consistent in the later seasons, but before the series finale, the show did delve into his past and reveal that he had a daughter. Masuka’s most substantial storyline was meeting his adult child for the first time. Being people-centred and enthusiastic, Vince Masuka is a true ENFP.


Joey was introduced in the third season of Dexter and quickly created a reputation for being the series’ gruff, lovable tough guy. A substantial amount of character development was put into Joey, primarily in later seasons. By the end of the show, he had gone through an impressive, touching evolution.

His relationship with Deb brought forth some of his most redeeming qualities and revealed his soft, caring side. Joey was an ISTP at heart, considering his observant qualities and practical mind.


The first season of Dexter was full of intriguing twists and turns, and one of the most memorable instances to come out of it was the revelation that Harry Morgan, Dexter’s adoptive father, was actually dead. Throughout the series, Dexter consistently maintained a relationship with his dead father, with Harry’s ghost appearing frequently up until later seasons.

Despite not actually being alive when the series took place, Harry Morgan played a significant role in Dexter, and his character undoubtedly left behind quite the legacy. Harry is an ideal ISFJ, being an industrious caretaker, as well as being practical and compassionate.


Rita was infamously killed by Arthur Mitchell in Dexter’s fourth season, but she continued to live on in fans’ memories. She was a likeable character from the beginning, and although she was not given many storylines outside of being Dexter’s significant other, Rita Bennett had a lot of potential and a quality that made fans love her.

Soft-spoken, intellectual, and passionate, Rita best fits the INFP alignment.


Sure, the series was about Dexter’s journey and story, but by the end, it became about his little sister, Debra, for several fans. Jennifer Carpenter’s portrayal of this captivating character is not to be overlooked, and Debra had many qualities that made her completely iconic.

She was the sarcastic, trash-mouthed, fearless detective right till the end, and her story resonated with the audience for eight seasons. Deb was an inspired innovator and clever problem-solver, making her an ideal ENTJ.


Being the titular vigilante serial killer, the show obviously primarily revolves around Dexter. The series never hesitated to take deep dives into the inner workings of Dexter’s mind, and often explored the analysis of why he does what he does. The main question throughout the series was whether Dexter was a good guy or a bad guy, and a contributing factor to the backlash that was sparked by the series finale was the fact that the Dexter writers seemed to discard eight seasons worth of character development.

Dexter was no doubt complex and intriguing. His eccentric personality fits into the INTJ alignment, considering the fact that he was an analytical problem solver.