There is a lot to learn about playing this game and doing the best you can, so I’m going to help by explaining everything you need to know.

This guide will go over everything you need to know to get started in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing including:

Battle Basics - The basics on how the game play works. Elemental Affinities - What each element is, and how they interact with each other. Field and Buddy Skills - The different skills your characters can have. Missions and Character Improvement - What missions are, and how to make your characters stronger. Extra Tips - More tips to make you better at the game.

Battle Basics

Battles in Ultimate Ninja Blazing are turn-based, but you can use your turn to move around the board, switch characters, or use special attacks called Jutsu.

When it is your turn, just drag your character to where you want them to go. Keep in mind that as soon as you touch your character, you cannot go back, and their turn will be used no matter what you do after that.

If you move within in range of the enemy, you will attack them.

You can tell if you are in range by looking at the area around your character, and noticing if the enemy has symbols around them.

Ninjutsu and Secret Techniques

Every time your character’s turn comes up, part of their chakra gauge is filled. When it is maxed, they can perform a Ninjutsu.

To perform a Ninjutsu, tap your character’s portrait, then move them within range. You will see an area pop up when you change to Ninjutsu, so put that over the target character. Keep in mind that some Ninjutsu are self power-ups, or support moves for your allies.

Some character can use powerful skills called Secret Techniques that work like Ninjutsu, but are much stronger. They must save up more chakra to perform these. You can tell it is ready when the color of the chakra gauge changes.

To perform a secret technique, you must double-tap your character’s portrait when they are ready, then move them just like when you use Ninjutsu.

Elemental Affinities

Each character can have 1 of 5 different elemental affinities. Each of these elemental affinities has another that it is strong or weak against.

If your character is strong against the enemy, you deal more damage and take less damage from them.

If you are weak to the enemy, you deal less damage, and take more from them. 

Heart (Red) - Strong against Skill, weak to Body Body (Blue) - Strong against Heart, weak to Skill Skill (Green) - Strong against Body, weak to Heart Bravery (Yellow) - Strong against, and weak to, Wisdom Wisdom (Purple) - Strong against, and weak to, Bravery

Field and Buddy Skills

Each character has a Field Skill and Buddy Skill. 

Field Skills

These are skills that affect the area around a character when they are on the field.

If you move within range of an ally, you will benefit from their field skill. You can also get negative effects from enemies when you move within their field.

Buddy Skills

First, when you set up your team, you can have 2 people in the front row, and 3 people on the back row. The 3rd front row slot is reserved for a friend character that you can pick every battle.

The characters in the front row are the ones that are in the field and fighting. The characters in the back row support the character they are under with buddy skills.

During your turn, you can switch the character in the front row with their buddy in the back row.

The benefits of each buddy skill only works for the character they are linked to. You can switch the placement before battle, but not after it’s started.

Missions and Character Improvement

Mission Types

Missions come in 2 types: Story and Emergency.

Story Missions are always there and completing them unlocks more.

Emergency Missions are only there for a limited time and it lets you get characters and items you would not get in Story Missions.

You can also do each of these missions in multiplayer with other players. When playing with other players, there will be 2 others. Each player controls 1 front and back row character, so put the ones you want in your first slot.

Character Enhance and Awaken

You can enhance, or level, your character by selecting Enhance from the team menu.

Select the character you want to enhance, then add other items or characters from the list to power them up.

You can select up to 10 at a time to enhance your character. You get an extra benefit if they are the same elemental affinity as the character you are enhancing.

When your character reaches their max level, you can Awaken them to increase their strength and level cap.

This requires specific items to complete.

Keep in mind that enhancing and awakening requires Ryo, the in-game currency.

Extra Tips

Field Placement is very important Always pay attention to there you are on the field. If you place your character correctly, you may be able to hit multiple enemies and receive field skills from allies. Have a mixture of elemental affinities on your team This prepares you for any situation so you can switch out if there is an element you are weak to. Always check the character cards to see what their skills and Ninjutsu/Secret Techniques do Some characters heal, some attack multiple enemies, some attack 1 enemy.   Knowing what your character does and planning your team around them will make winning a lot easier.

That wraps up my Beginner tips and tricks for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing. Let me know if you have any questions!